
  • You’re not a sh*tty writer, you’re a new writer

    Hi. My name is Sara and I’m a recovering perfectionist. The funny thing is that I never thought of myself as a perfectionist when I was younger because I couldn’t do anything perfectly. I saw all the flaws and mistakes in everything I did and in some sense wished I was a perfectionist so I…

  • “Where did all the service stops go?” ~ Monarchs

    I just got back from my first vacation in four years. It was amazing. We went to Mont Sainte-Anne for what was likely the last few nice days of snowboarding to be had this season. But as much as I enjoyed some time away with friends, I decided I would drive back a day earlier…

  • And so it begins…again 🙂

    It feels like so much has happened in my life since I officially began this writing journey in September 2021 – and most of it wasn’t good. I lost my Dad, who was in many ways my foundation in life, we lost our cat Zack at the ripe old age of 16, and we moved…